This page here showcases a bit of the work I have done to provide an insight into the skills and knowledge that I have learned. I'll continue to update my projects as frequently for a better insight of my growth.

Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Shoot

here I create a fun game where you can challenge the computer in a game of rock paper scissors.

Google Maps

Location Map

In This Project, I Work With Google Maps API And Use The Location Awareness Feature To Pinpoint The Exact Location Of The User. This was a project where I get an insight into how the google maps app works as I work with basic features.

Chicago Star

Chicago City Owned Land

In this project, I Have Built A Single-Page App That Allows Users To Search For Chicago City Owned Land Inventory Data. I use the city of Chicago API for the user to search individual data catered to the unique ID. Plenty of Bootstrap and Google Maps features are implemented here.

Swamp Monster Game

Swamp Monster Game

I Demonstrate An Understanding Of Drawing And Animation Using The HTML5 Canvas Element As Well Of An Understanding Of JavaScript Basics. A Simple Scrolling Game Using RequestAnimationFrame Method Of The Window Object.
*Working Progress*

Sky Gram App

SkyGram App

In this project, I make my own version of a popular social media app where the user uploads a photo of a scenic view to share with friends. I demonstrate an understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript. I use a weather api, google map api, using hardware features such a permission to use camera. UI implementations from material-components-web, downloadable as a progressive web app. This was a final project of mine for IT202 which I took in spring semester 2021.
*created the icon myself*


Splash Juice Website

In this project, I decided to go ahead and make a website advertising juice. I went ahead and used my HTML, CSS skills to assemble a creative website. I was able to get creative with it and used bootstrap to help set up the layout for the content

Splash Juice Website
Pokemon Titlte

Pokemon Card Generator

I work on a simple project where I use PokeApi. This project has a ton of Javascript and fetching data from the API and tailoring specific data to the correct 'Pokemon'. I used plenty of CSS to display the card.

Pokemon Card Generator

Checago Coffee Inc Internship

In October 2021, I jumped on board as a mobile app developer intern with the checago coffee inc. I cannot show off the project as mine but what I did here was Practiced my skills in bringing The Checago Coffee App to a higher level by working extensively on their codebase. Gained plenty experience building and troubleshooting using Android Studio and Java. Partnered with the founders and team members in designing, analyzing, and problem-solving tasks in both the front and backend. Was heavily exposed to PHP, SQL server database, working with APIs and AWS.